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Almighty God we pray that you will bless our work in mission and ministry in the world. Help us to pray fervently, labor diligently and give liberally to make known the power of your love given through your son Jesus Christ. Let us not forget the lessons from the past nor fear the challenges of the future. Anoint us with your grace and shine in our hearts as we reflect your light throughout the world. Amen.



Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, bless we pray Thee, our work for the extension of thy Kingdom, and make us so thankful for the precious gift to us of Thy beloved Son, that we may pray fervently, labor diligently, and give liberally to make Him known to all nations as their Savior and their King; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.





Bless, O Lord, the women of this Diocese; Keep us mindful of whom we serve and aware of the larger community we represent. Thru our diversity may we discover purpose; thru our like-mindedness may we develop program: Help us to listen and not just hear; help us to perceive and not just see. In Jesus name we ask. Amen.

Written by The Venerable Frederick C. Byrd, Archdeacon, Diocese of Upper SC





GRACIOUS GOD, source of all creation, all love, all true joy: accept, we pray, these outward signs of our profound and continuing thankfulness for all of life. Keep each of us ever thankful for all the blessings of joy and challenge that come our way. Bless those who will benefit from these gifts through the outreach of the United Thank Offering. This we ask through Him who is the greatest gift and blessing of all, Jesus Christ. Amen.


Padre celestial, fuente de toda ceacio’n, de todo amor, de todo gozo verdadero, acepta, te rogamos, estos signos estemos de nuestra profunds y continua gratitud por todas las cosas de Ia vida. Bendice a los que se bebficiara’n de estos dones a trave’s de Ia Ofrenda Unida de Accio’n de Gracias; y haz que siempre nos sintamos agradecidos por todas las bendiciones de alegri’a y prueba que aparecen en nuestro camino. Medlante aquel que es el don ma’s grande y las mayor de todas las bendiciones, Jesucristo nuestro Senor y Salvador. Ame’n.





Bless, 0 Lord, the Church Periodical Club, that it may be an instrument for the spread of your Word throughout the world. Grant to its officers wisdom and patience, to its members perseverance and the spirit of sharing that asks no return. Bring more to take part in its mission and ministry. Bless our gifts and those who receive them, to the enrichment of individual lives, that we all may be servants of the risen Lord. Amen.





World Mission Project: Education Equals Hope


Holy and gracious God, you cast your net of love so wide and gather us from the ends of the earth. So bless and guide Education Equals Hope the Episcopal as we work together with them to serve even the least of these, your most vulnerable children. Allow the scholarships that are provided by Education Equals Hope to symbolize our oneness with each other and our affection for one another in our love and service of you, through our Savior, Jesus Christ, who with you and the Holy Spirit reigns now and forever. Amen


National Mission Project: SC Bishops' Public Education Initiative


Loving God, we thank you for the treasure of children. Watch over them as they learn; fill them with wisdom; help their teachers and counselors to meet their needs. May the funds provided by the ECW of our diocese enrich these students' lives so as they go to school they may have a love of reading and of learning. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen


Diocesan Mission Project: Fresh Start at St. Luke's Episcopal Church


Loving God, we know that you hold all of us in the palm of your hand. Yet, we mourn for those who will be served by Fresh Start who have lost their serenity, security, and confidence. Send your healing and soothe their spirits with the balm of your tender love. Help them to feel secure and whole again, as safe as ever within the shelter of the Lord. Help them, with your grace, to move beyond their circumstances, and grant them the peace and serenity of mind and body. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen



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