annual mission projects
Each year, the Upper South Carolina ECW designates three mission projects: a world project, a national project, and a diocesan project. Throughout the year, we promote these three missions and fundraise for them across the diocese. Nominations for projects are accepted annually on a rolling basis, with finalists selected by the Diocesan Board in July and presented to the bishop. The general membership approves the projects at Convention each year.
To nominate a project, please email or visit this form.
The projects below were approved for the year 2019. Prayers for these projects can be found here.
World Project
Education Equals Hope’s mission is to provide for the education of those living in desperate and difficult situations.
In 2009, Education Equals Hope was founded in the United States by members of the Upper Diocese of SC and now gives hope to children in communities around the world by providing educational support for children, teens, and adults. Education Equals Hope also works to provide educational resources for entire communities in regions of our world that have suffered greatly from poverty, crisis, and natural disaster. Last year alone, Education Equals Hope helped educate almost 3,000 students in Costa Rica, Haiti, Ecuador, Kenya, and Rwanda. Many of Education Equals Hope’s volunteers work and live or have lived in the communities they serve.
In Ecuador and Haiti, 48 volunteers serve approximately 1,300 hours every month. It is because of their dedication, and the dedication of so many others, that we feel called to increase the footprint of Education Equals Hope to help provide education to more students around the world.
Funds donated will be designated for student scholarships. To learn more about this ministry, contact Celeste Bundy, Executive Director.
National Project
The SC Bishops' Public Education Initiative
The Fellowship of South Carolina Bishops is a special ecumenical relationship among churches led by bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal, African Methodist Episcopal-Zion, Christian Methodist Episcopal, Episcopal Diocese of Upper S.C., Episcopal Church in S.C., Lutheran, Roman Catholic and United Methodist churches.
Bishops have been collectively advocating for public education since April 2014, when they issued a joint pastoral letter pledging “our commitment to support the full flourishing of public education in South Carolina.” They expressed concern earlier this year, after the state Supreme Court dismissed a landmark school equity lawsuit, which was filed more than two decades ago to force the General Assembly to improve educational opportunities in the state’s poorest public schools. The bishops hope that this year’s advocacy blitzes serve as a call to action for all South Carolinians to be light for our world in educating students of our state.
Funds raised will be donated to EDUSC with the designation of the Bishops’ Public Education Initiative. To learn more about this ministry, contact the Rev. Susan Heath.
Diocesan Project
Fresh Start Ministry at St. Luke's Episcopal Church
The Fresh Start Ministry is a ministry of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Columbia. Open each Thursday and the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month from 10:00 – 3:00, Fresh Start provides free laundry services, showers, a food pantry and clothing, HIV testing and blood pressure monitoring for the homeless and working poor. Fresh Start currently serves 60 – 100 people each day of operation.
Funds will be given directly to the unrestricted annual fund so that Fresh Start can use them for the greatest need. To learn more about this ministry, contact the Rev. Deacon Dianna Deaderick.